
Showing posts from August, 2019

Economy in recession...

The very disturbing figure of 5% growth of Indian economy ,which is disclosed recently is a very disturbing in itself . Politicians of India are very aggressive and want to conquer other parts outside India and forgetting the very fact that without strong economy our leaders cannot maintain healthy  army and without healthy army, which should be equipped with latest modern weapons and defence systems needs lot of money. So my request to  political leaders is to think of economy first then to pursue their target, which is a debatable topic.


In last few years Indian media is always crying and making news and comparing our glorious country with Pakistan. Indian media many of times shows the poor condition of Pakistani people and Pakistani government. Yesterday, the figure of Indian GDP was disclosed and now Indian GDP is at 5% as compared to Pakistani GDP which is at 3.9%.  It is very sad day for India, the country which was in a race to attain the status of developed country is totally out of race and I fear if it can sustain, the status of developing country. The voters will have to pay the price specially the poor section of India, who thought the present government will bring opportunities in their lives but sadly that didn't work. All sectors like manufacturing, agriculture industry, IT are showing very less growth figures.When in a country, the political party create a sense of fear and in fear no growth oocurs, it happens to the society and to the Nations when they don't work inclusively

Declining Indian Economy.

After demonetisation in India,Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised that black money will get checked by demonetisation and there will be decline in corruption, which will ultimately boost the economy of India, but after years of demonetisation Indian economy is declining .In the rank list of the largest economies, India has been slipped from 5th to 7th and the growth figures are also controversial  We hope Prime Minister of India , who is known for his Gujarat model will ultimately tackle this economic situation and boost the Indian economy. The current situation is very frightening there is job cuts in automobile sectors, Tata Steel and many Cellular companies as these are some of the few major players but what about small scale industries, which has had suffered in last many years and most off these small scale industries and factories have been shut down. The Indian media is silent about current Indian economic situation but people of India will not remain silent for long. I

Pakistan a nuclear threat.

Recently Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has raised his concerns as how India removed the article 370 and converted the state of Jammu and Kashmir into a union territory. In the last few days, Prime Minister Imran Khan has given indirect nuclear threats to India fearing that India will not stop in Jammu and Kashmir and will claim the Pak occupied Kashmir also, which could lead into first conventional and then nuclear war. This is the time, Prime Minister of India has to be cautious about each and every thing he has planned because if the nuclear buttons get pressed then the mushroom cloud and the Radioactive fallouts will give Millions instantaneous and couple of millions slow and cancerous death, because radioactive cloud contains iodine-131 particles and many other nuclear fission products which has half life period in years. As India and Pakistan are one of the most populous countries in the world the casualties of nuclear war would be beyond imagination. Nuclear clouds will no

The Trade ties between India and Pakistan.

The northern parts of India has long suffered due to the very less trade potential .As the northern states of India has boundaries with Pakistan and has no sea route, the benefits of trade between India and Pakistan could open new opportunities, if the trade ties between these two countries improves.The recent development, due to the abolish of article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir has closed all trade ties between India and Pakistan, which will not only suffer the traders of two countries but in the near future prosperity of Northern India and the various parts of Pakistan will also get hit from these difficult relations between two countries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi comes from the state of Gujarat, which is not an Northern state of India he should address the problem of Northern states of India that had suffered a lot due to the bad relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan is the main route through which the trades of entire India can pass through to the Middle East and the European Sta

Sikhs becoming influential in the world.

Sikhism is the world's fifth largest religion, in 1984 after the Sikh riots in Delhi and other places in India Sikhs practically made their mind to move out of India as they felt neglected and second class citizen inside their own country. Today Sikhs lives in all over the world, mainly in the western countries like the countries of Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand . Sikhs are very industrious people and very law abiding.The basic principles of Sikhism teaches them to help the needy and to work hard because hard work earn money and some part of that money should be given to the poor section of the society so that they can also become the part of mainstream. Today's Sikhs are the parliamentary members in the parliament of various countries and few have manage to become the part of Defence ministries of few countries. In many countries Sikhs are allowed to become the part of their army. After the partition of India Sikhs didn't got their Homeland and they haven&#