And last Manmohan Singh speaks.....

In the terrible phase, through which the Indian economy is going through is now confirmed by the greatest economist of India his Excellency Manmohan Singh. In his recent recording he has expressed his worries about . 6% growth in manufacturing sector, which produces large number of jobs and he expressed his concern about the rural unemployment as the farmers are also not getting the appropriate prices for their crops .
So in nutshell both Urban and Rural unemployment is record high,instead of focusing just on Pakistan and comparing this very great nation with Pakistan is not an answer.
Day by day, thousands of jobs the people of India are losing which will create chaos in  near future, as the economy is growing at 5% former prime minister has confirm that Indian economy will remain in  recession for many more years to come and this is not at all what was expected from Modi government.
 The Indian Government and Finance Minister have  to focus on Economy, as they have got a boost from RBI by getting record cash but that luxury they may not get next time because now the coffers are near empty.
As the economy is down, it will impact the military hardware purchases that India needs the most like s-300 air defence system, purchase of very expensive rafael Jet aircraft which could impact the war readiness of Indian forces.


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