Exploiting lecturers and undermining higher education

Competing in the 21st century, any country in the world needs research and development which comes from the various fields of Higher Education. It is quite interesting to see, when the leaders of various political parties in India or in the state like Punjab shares their belief to develope a country or a state, without caring about the lecturers who have been exploited over many decades. Political leaders take politics as their occupation and don't care or bother to see the future of India or Punjab secure.

The government of Punjab has been consistently proved its inefficiency in securing jobs of temporary, ad hoc, part time or guest faculity lecturers working at various government colleges over many decades on very less salary, which have been exploited and deprived from many benefits enjoyed by permanent staff.

It is not only the violation of employees rights as written in the constitution of India but also the violation of human rights depriving employees from their rights over many decades who have been doing and executing there duties timely and rightly.

Currently in the various government colleges of Punjab, guest faculty lecturers and part-timer lecturers are executing their duties and maintaining the prestige of government colleges, as the numbers of permanent staff are all time low. Watching their teachers working on approximately 23000 rupees a month many students have decided to move abroad and settle themselves in the countries like Canada, USA or in Europe

With ever rising inflation and the pandemic of covid-19., situation is becoming severe for these lecturers to survive, government of Punjab should take necessary action in order to secure their life so that they can secure the future of the state.

By Assist. Prof Simrat pal Singh
Govt.College Shri Muktsar Sahib


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