
Burning Bodies

The Indian state has failed once again the pride of democracy was shattered by first the political character of politicians and then the pandemic called covid-19 . Entire mismanagement and the overconfidence at the end of the first wave created a tusami of the second . /div> The BJP government in the centre headed by prime minister Modi created a void and made the dent in the confidence of individual Indian. Entire BJP leaders were interested in managing the political rallies in the states like West Bengal, Assam for their political interest, without thinking of the lightning fast second wave of covid-19 that englufed most parts of the country. The second wave of covid-19 surfaced the true Indian political character of the prime minister and other union leaders that they are not the last patriotes but an artist on the political stage. On the receiving end, the average Indian felt like an orphan child devastated by the viral attack also cleared the air  of the Indian supremacy tha


  The current Government of India with the implementation of farms amendment bills, recently, passed on the floors of both houses have triggered the sense of revolt among the farmers of India. Under the Mughal rule and then of British Empire that produced millions of slaves in India but it was the blood of farmers that revolted first and it is a historic fact. It has become a habitual tendency of current Modi government to pass new bills without taking opposition and the people of India into confidence. From demonization and then GST which already had dented the Indian economy severely and no opposition was made by Indian public,displaying the genetic slavery long inherited in the DNA. But challenging the farmers is like challenging the lion in his den, passing the new bills without taking confidence of the farmers of India is not like " the silence of Indian public against the dictatorial laws passed in the past "  The recent agitations done by the farmer unions from all ove

Crime in Teaching

Teachers are the builders of a society and of a nation. After parents, teachers takes up the charge or responsibility of molding and refining a character of a student. With the depleting level of education in India and Punjab horrific times are coming ahead, substantial amount of teachers are working without credible character, enthusiasm or an interest in teaching, which plays a very destructive role within the periphery of education.  It is not only, the duty to upbring or improve the skills of a student in the field of education but the most important part or role of a teacher is to induce the very important values of being a human and a responsible citizen of a country. What are the important values of a very healthy human that should be being responsible, to be in discipline, to follow time table, to be humble, truthful and can't be corrupted. Above are very difficult qualities to be attained and then maintained.    There are two current sectors working in India in which teach

Lethal Flankers

With over 270 Su 30mki's in the Indian Air force, these fighter jets which are the Russian built forms the backbone of the Indian Air force. As the bigger neighbour and the enemy of India, China has been running its modernization program of its Air force for quite some time, fighter jets like J 20 and purchase Su 35's from Russia poses serious threat to India. In the recent areal engagement with Pakistani f -16's, which fired their AMMRAAM missiles towards Indian fighter jets clearly states the beyond visual capability of Pakistani jets. It is clear that our neighbours are consistently growing there power by modernizing their jets. Extending the previous point, where f 16's fire beyond visual missiles towards su30mki but our jets didn't respond can rise the question that whether Russian made R-77 beyond visual missiles where incapable of locking f16 in beyond visual range. Above argument clearly gives reasons to modernize the su30mki fleet of Indian Air force. Which

Covid19 Vaccine

As the world goes through the most difficult time of covid-19 pandemic, which has took half a million lives and tens of millions of people infected. As the world economy shatters, the humans are finding very difficult to pay their bills as most of them have lost their jobs, so there is an urgent need of covid-19 vaccine which can stop this horror. To make a vaccine against the virus is a challenging and complicated process, in traditional ways whole pathogen like live attenuated or killed viruses can be injected in a form of a vaccine to initiate an immune response against the antigen. But it takes lot of time to make millions of doses ready to vaccinate the entire population of humans. Another way is to use a part of a virus such as polysaccharide or protein spike of its body as a vaccine and inject those sub particles inside the human body to initiate immune response against those sub-particles The drawback of this way to create a vaccine is it needs lot of  lab technicians and live

Rafael in Indian Air Force

The recent entry of Rafael fighter jets in Indian Air Force is a much needed step to boost up the morals of our air Warriors. Certainly, Pakistan and China will think twice to come close near the borders of India. Entry of Rafale jets will enhance the quality in Indian Air Force, due to its varieties of modern weapons. In the recent engagement, after balakot precisions attack by Indian Air Force on the terrorist camps fighter jets of two air forces were face to face on next day, volleies of AMRAAMS were fired by f16s towards Su 30MKIes. Su 30MKI modern fighter jets with thrust vector engines and forward moving cannard can easily Dodge the modern AMRAAMs. But due to the the defensive modes of Sukhoi 30 MKI they were protecting Indian assets on ground were not thrown in attack mode. Question arises why Rafale jets much in need, the answer is due to modern weapons like air-to- air Meteor missile, Mika, surface to ground Hammer,Spice guided bombs which are revolutionary weapons. The GPS an

Exploiting lecturers and undermining higher education

Competing in the 21st century, any country in the world needs research and development which comes from the various fields of Higher Education. It is quite interesting to see, when the leaders of various political parties in India or in the state like Punjab shares their belief to develope a country or a state, without caring about the lecturers who have been exploited over many decades. Political leaders take politics as their occupation and don't care or bother to see the future of India or Punjab secure. The government of Punjab has been consistently proved its inefficiency in securing jobs of temporary, ad hoc, part time or guest faculity lecturers working at various government colleges over many decades on very less salary, which have been exploited and deprived from many benefits enjoyed by permanent staff. It is not only the violation of employees rights as written in the constitution of India but also the violation of human rights depriving employees from their rights over